Watsonville Ca Short Term Rental Airbnb Market Data: $11151.84 Per Month in Revenue.

Be sure to checkout the Airbnb Guide and Strategies for Watsonville Ca . Here is  Airbnb data and statistics  for Watsonville Ca.

On this page you will find all the following data & insights about the short term rental market in Watsonville Ca. RentalGuideAI is your AirBnB guide and will teach you how to do AirBnB profitably with evidence backed by real data.

Watsonville Ca Airbnb Market data averages

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Beds / Bedrooms

The average number of Beds in Watsonville Ca for AirBnB is 3.34

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Baths / Bathrooms

The average number of Bathrooms in Watsonville Ca for AirBnB is 1.85

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Person Capacity

The average Person Capacity in Watsonville Ca for AirBnB is 5.63

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Cleanliness rating

The average Cleanliness Rating in Watsonville Ca for AirBnB is 4.06

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Rate and how much hosts charge

The average Price Rate or Amount Charged in Watsonville Ca for AirBnB is $371.73

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Photos Per Listing

To be competitive in Airbnb you should have the average number of photos in Watsonville Ca which is 6

How to read Watsonville Ca charts to have a profitable Airbnb business.

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Most Common and Profitable Amenities Word Cloud

What are the most common and profitable amenities by person capacity in Watsonville Ca

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rental Price Geospatial Scatter Plot For The Most Profitable Short Term Rentals

A breakdown of the Watsonville Ca Short Term Rental Market Prices Geospatial

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rental Price Correlated to Reviews

How does the price of your listing correlate to the number of reviews you get in Watsonville Ca

Scatter Map of Watsonville Ca for the top rated Short Term Rental Investments

The goal of this scatter map is to find out the specific parts of Watsonville Ca that get the highest ratings in the Short Term Rental Market.

How does average number of beds and bathrooms correlate to the star rating of your short term rental for Airbnb in Watsonville Ca

You can use this chart to find the optimal ratio of Bedroom to Bathrooms in the Watsonville Ca Airbnb short term rental market

How does average price rate correlate to the star rating of your short term rental in Watsonville Ca for Airbnb

You can use this chart to find the sweet spot of pricing in the AirBnB Watsonville Ca short term rental market

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rental Revenue

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 10 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 10 bookings a month you should expect to make $3717.28 renting your property on Airbnb

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 20 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 20 bookings a month you should expect to make $7434.56 renting your property on Airbnb

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 30 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 30 bookings a month you should expect to make $11151.84 renting your property on Airbnb

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 50 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 50 bookings a month you should expect to make $18586.40 renting your property on Airbnb

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 100 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 100 bookings a month you should expect to make $37172.80 renting your property on Airbnb

Watsonville Ca Short Term Rentals Average Revenue Assuming 200 bookings per month

Doing Airbnb in Watsonville Ca assuming 200 bookings a month you should expect to make $74345.60 renting your property on Airbnb