The average number of Beds in Aladağ for AirBnB is 1.00
The average number of Bathrooms in Aladağ for AirBnB is 1.00
The average Person Capacity in Aladağ for AirBnB is 7.00
The average Cleanliness Rating in Aladağ for AirBnB is 1.00
The average Price Rate or Amount Charged in Aladağ for AirBnB is $80.00
To be competitive in Airbnb you should have the average number of photos in Aladağ which is 6
What are the most common and profitable amenities by person capacity in Aladağ
A breakdown of the Aladağ Short Term Rental Market Prices Geospatial
How does the price of your listing correlate to the number of reviews you get in Aladağ
The goal of this scatter map is to find out the specific parts of Aladağ that get the highest ratings in the Short Term Rental Market.
You can use this chart to find the optimal ratio of Bedroom to Bathrooms in the Aladağ Airbnb short term rental market
You can use this chart to find the sweet spot of pricing in the AirBnB Aladağ short term rental market
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 10 bookings a month you should expect to make $800.00 renting your property on Airbnb
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 20 bookings a month you should expect to make $1600.00 renting your property on Airbnb
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 30 bookings a month you should expect to make $2400.00 renting your property on Airbnb
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 50 bookings a month you should expect to make $4000.00 renting your property on Airbnb
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 100 bookings a month you should expect to make $8000.00 renting your property on Airbnb
Doing Airbnb in Aladağ assuming 200 bookings a month you should expect to make $16000.00 renting your property on Airbnb